John Draws ,Chicago
Max Roach " John, these are Beautiful"
Jim Chapin "The balance on these is superb."
Bruce Raeburn, Jazz Archives Dir. Tulane University--"My Dreamsticks"
Peyton Brauer '06 CW F&D--Thank you sir! You are a legend to us. It's an honor todo business w/you.
OC Garza, Victoria Tx, " John, I must admit I am stunned at how these sticks perform. The balance is perfect. It's as if the bead has a life of it's own and bounces with much less effort but more control"
I have known John Crocken for over 35 years. His drum sticks continue the rich tradition and history of drum making in Baltimore. My rope drums sound great when using these persimon sticks.
- John R. Beck UNC School of the Arts, Winston-Salem Symphony, former member of the US Marine Band and past President of the Percussive Arts Society.
These are my all-time favorite sticks. At home I nearly always have a pair within reach. The balance, the feel - these sticks make my hands happy!
Rob Cook, Author of Leedy Drum Topics, The Slingerland Book and The Rogers Book.